Friday, August 13, 2010


I'm working my way towards the story's midpoint so to get in just the right frame of mind I'm gonna curl up with some gyoza, ramen noodles and a little Sake and pound out a few more pages.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Reworking the first act.

As with many things I write, I've had trouble with where to come in story wise. My professor recommended the initial sword fight, I wrote it out and feel that's throwing people in a little too early. I really feel the scene where Smets finds Jim at a rat fight is the best introduction. Right off the bat we'll be seeing not just Jim but also Jim's world and how he lives.

That'll leave roughly 5 minutes between the action beat of the opening battle scene and the first duel. I think the audience can cool their heals for that long.